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Friday, 1 September 2017

7 top tips for preparing you and your child(ren) for starting school

Claire Burgess, Head of Research, Consultancy & Training
Twitter: @belles28

Katie Crouch, Early Years Consultant
Twitter: @crunchiekatie

Traditionally, the first day of school tends to start with pictures of the little one(s) standing proudly, and nervously, in their brand new and immaculately pressed school uniform by the front door. These pictures help to form special memories and also mark a moment of reflection for the parent. For many, this moment can cause a flourish of memories of your past four, or five, years with your child(ren). Recollections flash by from pregnancy scans, first smiles, magical first steps to bumped knees. All of these emotions can be overwhelming and therefore makes it completely understandable that you and your child(ren) may be apprehensive about starting school.