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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Norland College receives first ever National Student Survey results

We’re pleased to announce the results of Norland College’s first ever National Student Survey (NSS). 

The NSS, which has been running since 2005, is a UK-wide survey of students in the final year of an undergraduate course, though this is the first time Norland College has participated. The survey gives students the opportunity to provide public feedback about the institution and their course. 95% of our final year students took part in the survey.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Professionalism in the Early Years - What Does it Mean to Practitioners?

Author: Amalia Austin, Newly Qualified Nanny (NQN), Set 37

Amalia is now a
Newly Qualified Nanny
I was thrilled in February 2013 to be offered a place at Norland and start to fulfil my goal of becoming an outstanding Early Years practitioner (EYP) and Norland Nanny. However, teachers and family members asked me, ‘if you want to work with children, why don’t you do something worthwhile and train as a primary teacher?’ It was this which inspired me in my final year to explore why working in the Early Years seemingly achieves lower regard than other vocational roles, such as teaching and nursing. Here I explore how I undertook my research and some of the key findings and subsequent recommendations I put forward to improve professionalism in the Early Years sector, with specific focus on the role of a Nanny.